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小林 雅弘

Kobayashi Masahiro

Photographer. Born and currently resides in Asahi City.
Started photography when he happened to buy a small toy camera at Village Vanguard. In addition to self-study, he studied photography at Tokyo Photography Academy and Satoru Watanabe Workshop 2B.
Currently, as "Photostudio SLIDE," he mainly shoots location photography, family photography, event photography, pet photography, and corporate website photography. He is not only a photographer, but also a DTP designer and writer.

たまたまヴィレッジヴァンガードでちいさなトイカメラを買ったのがきっかけで写真をはじめる。独学のほか東京写真学園、渡部さとるワークショップ 2Bにて写真を学ぶ。
現在は、“Photostudio SLIDE” として、ロケーション撮影を中心に、ファミリーフォト、イベント撮影、ペット、企業様サイト用写真など撮影。カメラマンだけでなく DTP デザイン、ライターとしても活動。

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